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GLA:D Program

Good Life with Arthritis: Denmark (adapted for Australia)

Clinical Guidelines for the treatment of hip and knee OA recommend patient education, exercise, and weight loss (if needed) as the first line of treatment.

Physiotherapists at Windy Hill Sports and Spinal Physiotherapy have been trained in delivering the GLA:D program.

The program involves a patient being assessed in an individual consultation and then being entered on a registry to monitor treatment effects.

Once registered, physiotherapists will supervise patients in small group exercise classes twice a week for six weeks. The physiotherapists will also provide two education sessions of approximately 90 minutes each.

Each patient will have two tests performed to assess their hip/knee function at the start and end of their programs. They will also have follow ups on the registry to measure treatment effects over 12 months.

The program has the potential to reduce patient’s pain, improve their function, and their quality of life.

For more details regarding costs, class times, and any other enquiries, please contact our clinic on (03) 9375 4000.